Monday, 18 July 2011

Recent Happysnap


Liam said...

Wish You Were Here

Lefty E said...

Indeed. Although, referring to the previous post, it is of course the essential contention of this blog that all non-native Antipodeans dwell at the Fortaleza do Solor.

Only some of us are looking at 'as estrelas'.

Think of us merely as your hosts and translators.

And think also of poor Amilcar up on a kite last Tuesday, with charcoal and a canvas.

Bom trabalho, Tenente!

Liam said...

My point exactly, Izquierdista. As denizens of the periphery, don't we all want to be connected, spiritually, umbilically, back to the metropolis?

poor Amilcar up on a kite last Tuesday, with charcoal and a canvas

It was a bit much that he was asked to be the eternal subaltern, now he's a remote drone as well. Poor, poor Tenente Amilcar.

Lefty E said...

Well yes, our poor airborne subaltern... And yet, as you may also have supposed - given his name - I do occasionally like to see Amilcar, a la mode Portugais (viz, mixing it with locals), as the patrimonial antecedent of some as yet unborn national liberation movement figure.

WV: woomshe

Fyodor said...

My point exactly, Izquierdista. As denizens of the periphery, don't we all want to be connected, spiritually, umbilically, back to the metropolis?

I reckon if you were strapped to a kite any decent tie to terra firma would do for your navel connection. he's a remote drone as well. Poor, poor Tenente Amilcar.

With only primitive stationery for a payload. That smartarse who quipped that the pen is mightier than the sword prolly hadn't seen an Hellfire missile in action.

WV: typente - subaltern of the heavy typing platoon, 3rd Keyboard Tercio.

Lefty E said...


Amilcar had a Dominican skypilot at the ground rope controls, if that helps. Fr Benedict, incidentally, is just as likely a candidate to father a nation.

I was busy with a duel at the time (details:, and if you must know, Amilcar was in fact monitoring Dutch fleet movements from the Flores/ Larantuka coast.

We are anticipating reprisals.

Lefty E said...

Just saw teh vid.

Serviço Aeronáutico Militar, 1ª Divisão Tenente Amilcar has a nice ring to it, I think.