Sunday, 3 May 2009
- Fyodor said...
Frankly, I'm a bit disappointed in your lack of commitment to the cause, comrade. "Non-violent civil-disobedience"? I mean, What The Fruity Fuck?
I think if you're going for balls-out EPIC STATE FAIL there is only one exemplar: Somalia. ITYKWIM. And if you don't, here's a reminder: -
4 May 2009 at 08:39
- Lefty E said...
True, the "failed state" term will get up their noses some :0) May well be true though! Lets see at Copenhagen.
And sure, have gone soft. No barricades. Just a big girl's blousey blockade, and a bunch of vegetarians singing...
Incidentally, for someone issuing manifestos left right and centre - im remarkably ill-informed about when Copenhagen is. Anyone? -
4 May 2009 at 11:59
FDB said...
Totes awse LE.
I reckon you need some novelty (maybe aesthetic?) hook for the whole thing though. To forestall the 'cosmic fool' types turning up on fucking stilts yelling about dolphins and rainbows. -
4 May 2009 at 12:25
Liam said...
December 7-18, Izquierdista.
And I wonder with Fyodor why you're copping out with this "non-violent" bumpf. Surely your German analogy should spur you to a Baader-Meinhof style Grune Faktion?
(Can't deny the righteousness of the Crimson Permanent Assurance tho'). -
4 May 2009 at 12:27
Liam said...
Oh my word, FDB. There's nothing like a papier-mache head that brings out the punch-and-judy urge in me.
I start twitching for my big foam baton and crave some comic face-beating.
(BTW Lefty: -
4 May 2009 at 12:30
- Lefty E said...
Ta Liam - late 2009 y'say.
And yes - Ive gorn SORFT! (Oh please, can you imagine the eejit commentary if Gandhi t-shirts weren't issued?)
I should say, the idea would be to pick just one in each country, preferably the most polluting(thus, I suppose , making it symbolic) and hell, I'd say we Loy Yang here! Brumby will be so proud that Victoria leads teh waay!
PS Cosmic fool problem noted FDB: Stilt and fire twirler checks at the door!
PPS Totes awse? Is this a gambling quadriped? -
4 May 2009 at 12:45
FDB said...
Short for totally awesome, as you may have guessed. I can't stop saying it, but that was my first effort at spelling it. Could probably do better.
Look, I could really get behind this. As long as it's not about holding up a mirror to button-down squaresville. I reckon that's probably just about been done. I don't want to shock people out of their complacent lifestyles and bring them to realise we're all one big family on this crazy little ball of rock and we better learn to get along and look after it. I want to go fuck up a power station. -
4 May 2009 at 16:35
- Lefty E said...
I hear you, FDB! Look, as your lawyer (oui, je suis) I certainly wouldnt encourage any form of criminal damage - which would certainly be counter productive. However, the point would most definitely be an effective citizen blockade of necessary inputs - preferably in concert with the same happening globally.
As I say - PREFERABLY our democratic govts will take adequate action and save us all the bother. But if its a snow job - they cant really be expecting as to just sit around and let the world go to shit, can they?. Enough people sitting peacefully, but determinedly, in the road of coal trucks is pretty well inevitable if they keep fiddling while Rome burns. -
4 May 2009 at 17:23
- Fyodor said...
"However, the point would most definitely be an effective citizen blockade of necessary inputs - preferably in concert with the same happening globally."
I'd pay good money to see the equivalent in China. Baader Meinhof [Grune Faktion] vs. PLA...FIGHT!!!
"I want to go fuck up a power station."
Me too, for totally non-ideological reasons*. Unfortunately, the ALP government here in NSW does the fucking up for us.
* I reckon people always underestimate the "blowing shit up for shits & giggles" component of terrorist motivation. -
4 May 2009 at 17:45
- Lefty E said...
Blimey, 10 minutes in and we've already got papier-mache bans, hardliner factions - and I'm already a revisionist, reformist sellout!
This is really taking off! -
4 May 2009 at 17:54
Liam said...
Fyodor, you and I both know what's going to happen when the CCP (whose political legitimacy depends on its ability to ensure continued economic growth) becomes unable to ensure continued economic growth. Yep, it's going to be PLA against all comers. Jimmy Sharman's boxing tent, only with peasants and SKSes.
Re. your infrastructure project submission on NSW's power needs for the future. Take it to your faktional leader, as they say over Peking duck on Goulburn St. -
4 May 2009 at 19:53
- Fyodor said...
"Fyodor, you and I both know what's going to happen when the CCP (whose political legitimacy depends on its ability to ensure continued economic growth) becomes unable to ensure continued economic growth. Yep, it's going to be PLA against all comers. Jimmy Sharman's boxing tent, only with peasants and SKSes."
Heh. Peasants with assault rifles are a hard act to top when it comes to effective protest. I'm not quite sure what I'd expect Bob Brown to do with a bayonet socket.
"Re. your infrastructure project submission on NSW's power needs for the future. Take it to your faktional leader, as they say over Peking duck on Goulburn St."
Yairs. How long will I have to wait for an audience? "Five, ten minah..."
You know, "take me to your leader" sounds more than usually ridiculous when the chief numpty is Nuthin Rees. -
5 May 2009 at 09:20
- Lefty E said...
I was reading in 2005 China had 87.000 episodes of civil unrest. And them's just the official (CCP tick) figures.
"Nuthin Rees": Heh. -
5 May 2009 at 10:05
Liam said...
Technically the SKS isn't an assualt rifle, it's a battle rifle at best and the hobbled civilian versions are really just particularly nasti semi-autos. Get enough of them together, though, and you've got an intractable political problem made of poor people with bayonets.
So, potential resource scarcity, a disenfranchised estate of peasantry, an insecure urban middle class, and an out-of-touch, aggressive, highly politically motivated ruling elite. How do you translate "whiff of grapeshot" and "sans-culotte" into Mandarin? I'll run it past the PM's office. -
5 May 2009 at 10:07
- Fyodor said...
"I was reading in 2005 China had 87.000 episodes of civil unrest. And them's just the official (CCP tick) figures."
Wow: 87.000. I suspect there's a fraction too much fiction in those stats. -
5 May 2009 at 10:12
Liam said...
I think you're missing the point, Honourable Bazarov.
5 May 2009 at 10:15
- Fyodor said...
What point, Honourable Hogan? That there's unrest in China? Sure there is, no denying it. Is the CCP/PLA still in control? Yep. Is it funny that the "civil unrest" statistic appears to be reported to three decimal points? Youbetcha. It's even funnier if you know the extent to which the Chinese fuck about with their statistics.
"Technically the SKS isn't an assualt rifle, it's a battle rifle at best"
Oh, kwibblesticks. So it's not fully automatic. BFD. -
5 May 2009 at 10:38
Liam said...
It was a decimal joke, but it appears to have floated over your head. Sorry.
5 May 2009 at 10:43
- Fyodor said...
5 May 2009 at 10:52
- Lefty E said...
I didnt get it either Fyodor, if that helps. But I quite liked it when it arrived - overland by donkey, as it were.
Which, incidentally, is twice the pace of Blogger today.
PS Most comments evah at BmL. yay etc. -
5 May 2009 at 11:02
Liam said...
Most comments ever? Let's institute cap-and-trade on wit. My LOLFAIL effort could offset a decent piece of banter.
5 May 2009 at 11:17
- Fyodor said...
Au contraire, confrere. As Leftiste noted, the LOLFAIL was on our part. In any equitable cap & trade system you'd be fined for exceeding your quota of GAG emissions.
5 May 2009 at 11:29
- Lefty E said...
Well, the pursuit of LOLAGE is a path strewn with LOLFAIL, but ...uh, you know, LOL like no no-one's dancing. Or something.
And I demand a 90% trade-exposed JAPE subsidy to keep up w you two, and your cheap import gags. -
5 May 2009 at 12:46
FDB said...
Spoon me with a gag.
6 May 2009 at 11:03
As I was arguing (slash ranting!) recently over at Larvatus Prodeo, if our governments at Copenhagen fail to at least meet the scientific minima for a fighting chance of our grandchildren having normal lives - then we as global citizens ought to declare 'state failure' on the issue.
1. That we declare we are ruled by failed states that no longer protect human life (let alone liberty and happiness) and that,
2. As our ‘representatives’ in fact appear to represent the passing, epheremal and irresponsible interest of damaging industrial elites, rather than their consitutencies, that we, as responsible global citizens, will take collective action to,
3. Obstruct key exemplars of the most polluting industries in each of our countries, in non-violent, globally co-ordinated acts of civil disobedience, such that,
4. Disruption of the most polluting industries becomes a constant inconvenient truth about unsustainable energy practies.
Honestly, I wonder whether our descendants will look at us as young Germans view their previous generations: what did you know, and what did you do then, Grandad? The scientific evidence very strongly suggests they wont have lucky, pleasant lives like ours - thanks to our failures. We’ll be cursed - some as criminals (major polluters, professional apologists like Howard and Bolt) and the rest silently questioned - what did you know, then?
I know we’re all hopelessly inadequate as individuals (well, I certainly know I am) but stuff it. Let’s get up them! Let us question - U.S. style - the fundaments of any alleged ‘right to govern’ while the most basic rights, truths we hold self-evident - are in constant breach.