Saturday, 9 April 2011

I could eat a plate twice...

Liamista goes Luso (like...finally!) and plates up a bossa feijoada at his new blog.

Fort Solor duly issues four-cannon salute, over at Orange Juice and Ryvita



Liam said...

[Removes hat, salutes, fires off a few rounds from the Independence-era ex-Soviet 152mm I've got lying about in front of the Presidential Palace, while a lone MiG-21 flies overhead trailing smoke]

You are too kind, o meo camarada.

WV: tommatar. (I say tomahto)

Lefty E said...

Heh. Nice imagery. Im guessing its one the Chinese pre-fab Presidential Palaces. All the rage these days:

etc. I could literally link through the whole African Union