Friday, 30 April 2010

At the Home of all Fortalezas

Os meus BmListas...

Lisbon has called me home on urgent business, and I am currently encamped in Coimbra, reviewing my notes for a forthcoming text on Dutch shipping routes in the greater Solor/ Larantuka region.

Any urgent matters can be raised via the fort-gate suggestions box, and please feed João the tiger-cat if you see him out front. He likes ship biscuits best.

Oh, and tell Lt Amilcar I got him the 'O meu Capitão went to Torre de Belem, and all I got was this lousy camisa' he wanted.

Ate logo!


Liam said...

Catch a tram and have some sardines for me, meo Almirante.
We shall await the full SITREP from behind the fortifications.

Lefty E said...

Feito, o meu amigo,e bacalhau tambem.

RELSIT (relatorio de situacaõ) not promising. Apparently my new fort 'bossa lounge and cafe' concept is considered impossivel. Im afraid its Sandalwood storage and missionary work for the foreseeable.

Lefty E said...

Tengo tres palabras para te, Pedro; linea de Tordesillas.

Si, habla al mano, muchacho, porque la cara no esta escuchando!

'Levantaaaaaaaa hoje de novooooo' etc

Liam said...

fort 'bossa lounge and cafe'

Oh my goodness. We've got to hook this idea up with a financial backer.

The world is ready for Portuguese fortification cafe disco—the world has been ready for it for a long time.

Lefty E said...

I agree Liamistão. There's no time like agora.

Doorbitch: oblop