Thursday, 24 September 2009

Can't think of a new post...

...cos I blew all my good material on facebook. But in the most lame-ass of comedic traditions, let us now ask "so....what's with that??".

I guess its a bit like fast-food, or 20-20 cricket. An instant gratification pigout that leaves you belching, bloated, yet ultimately dissatisfied. Not that blogging is exactly the French slow-food movement - but I do find that ideas I might previously have turned into blog posts (and thus subjected to a more sustained reflection in blog comments) now get frittered away on a quick farcebook update.

Which incidentally, I now refer to as 'Slide Night'. My theory is that farcebook is - in effect - a high-tech socially acceptable version of boring your friends senseless with pics of what you did on yer holidays. Except that they don't HAVE to look at them. In that sense, it fits neatly with shallow neo-liberal consumerist notions of 'choice' and 'liberty': it's all complete rubbish, but you get to choose which sandwich de merde is pret-a-porter.

Or am I reading too much into it? I've never Twittered. I can only imagine that's worse.


f said...

I had been meaning to do something on my cycling in Nethrlands. Believe it or not I thought of you.

anyway check these out:

Lefty E said...

Filho da Puta! I knew this would happen... Infiltration by Dutch agents provocateurs - operating out of Kupang!

No, but seriously, thanks F! I don't really swing both ways (strictly PFnA), but some of my best friends like Dutch forts! Will check out the links.

fxh said...

We stayed in the town/village of Weesp and biked around the fortified/flood area .

I was inspired by that Danish guy's tribute website above to stay in Weesp. I'd never heard of the town before I stumbled on his website.

Lefty E said...


FACT: old forts r cool.

iODyne said...

BahnischMark has 582 photos at Fbook.


I posted 8 after I read that.
but they're hot.

Just noticed in yr Profile Portugal and Timor L'Este so am compelled to tell about the box of lovely things for small children I posted there to me friend doing aid work - so she could gift them to the poor little things she was helping.
Did not arrive.
I now know that the Portugese mafia controls the postal system in Timor L'Este


Lefty E said...

Never send anything by post to or from Timor, MS. It wont arrive! 100% chance of it. There are air-freight services - but mostly people give stuff to friends to take directly.

And yes, I believe there are photos of Mark Bahnisch on the internet. Does this mean I would know you myself, MS?

iODyne said...

l I know that now thanks.

on Fbk under actual name.
unlike my friend FXH.